Hiking: GR-99 and GR-7



This GR, also called the Natural Way of the Ebro, consists of 42 stages and covers more than 1,200 km. It begins in Fontibre, where the river Ebro rises, and ends in Riumar, at the mouth of the river. It passes through Cantabria, Castilla y León, País Basc, La Rioja, Navarra, Aragon and Catalonia.

Benifallet is in the middle of stages 40 and 40. Stage 40 begins in Móra d’Ebre and ends in Benifallet and stage 40 begins in Benifallet and ends in Tortosa.



This GR crosses the entire Iberian Peninsula and is part of the European Trail E 4, which crosses Europe from the islands of Cyprus to Morocco. It passes through France, Andorra and arrives in Andalusia; in Tarifa crosses in Ceuta through the Strait of Gibraltar. It was the first long-distance path to be marked in Spain in 1974. 

In Catalonia there are a total of 24 stages, starting in La Farga de Moles and ending in Fredes. Benifallet is between two stages, the 21st and the 22nd. The 21st begins in Rasquera and ends in the Pont del Llaguter (Benifallet) and the 22nd begins in the bridge and ends in Paüls. The two stages together cover a total of about 27 km.